EDI 850 - Purchase Order

The ANSII X12 EDI 850 is for sending Purchase Orders and Details to a trading partner. 

It should be noted that the 850 is one of the largest transaction sets in the X12 space. It has a huge number of possible segments and loops. Every EDI transaction set is broken into 3 tables, Table 1 is the header information (starting with ST segment), Table 2 is a group of segments that is the bulk of the information being transmitted (usually by looping through the Table 2 segments many times), and Table 3 are the totals and summary information (usually quite short). 

For normal spec sheets, Table 1 is quite variable in size, but is normally about 15 segments (or so), however for the 850 version 4060, it is a whopping 86 segments (just in the spec sheet, without any loops). In my 4060 version spec book, it takes a full 2 pages and continues onto the 3rd page. 

It's fairly normal for Table 2 to be quite big, and Table 2 in the 850 doesn't disappoint, and is also a full 2 pages, plus most of another page.